About Page Copywriting: The Do’s and Don’ts

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Your “About Us” page is one of the most important pages on your website. It’s your chance to make a great first impression and tell your visitors who you are, what you do, and why they should care.

However, writing an “About Us” page that actually accomplishes these goals is easier said than done. Far too many businesses create About Us pages that are little more than boring lists of facts and figures. Others try to get too creative and end up coming across as try-hard or inauthentic.

The good news is that with a little bit of thought and effort, you can create an About Us page that is both informative and engaging. In this article, I’ll share some woonderful tips on what to do (and what not to do) when writing your About Us page.

The Do’s of About Page Copywriting

When writing your About page, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to make sure it’s effective:

Keep it short and sweet

About page copywriting is an art and a science. You want to whet your website visitors’ appetites without giving away too much information. After all, you want them to stay on your website and learn more about your company. Your about page should be brief and to the point. When it comes to word count, less is definitely more.

Use Persuasive Language

Use persuasive language that will compel your visitors to stick around and learn more about your company. Be sure to avoid clichés, however.

Be unique

Set yourself apart from your competition by sharing what makes your company unique. What do you have to offer that nobody else does?

Use first-person pronouns

Using first-person pronouns like “I” and “we” on your About page is perfectly acceptable. In fact, it’s generally encouraged! After all, your About page is all about your company and the people who run it. By using first-person pronouns, you can show your visitors that there are real people behind your brand.

Tell a story

The about page is one of the most important pages on your website. It’s an opportunity to tell your story, build trust, and set yourself apart from the competition.

-Tell your story in an engaging and interesting way
-Focus on the benefits you offer, not just the features
-Build trust by sharing your credentials, testimonials, and awards
-Use simple language that can be understood by everyone
-Make sure your about page is up-to-date and relevant

Use imagery

When you’re writing your about page, it’s important to use imagery to help paint a picture for your readers. Words are important, but images can be even more powerful in conveying the message you want to communicate about your brand.

Think about what kinds of images will help tell your story and convey the feeling you want your readers to have when they think about your business. Do you have any product photos that would be helpful? Are there any lifestyle photos that would fit with your brand? What about behind-the-scenes shots of you or your team in action?

Including high-quality images on your about page can be a great way to connect with your readers and give them a better sense of who you are and what you do. Just be sure that the images you choose are relevant and help to tell your story in a way that words alone couldn’t.

Use testimonials

A great way to build social proof and increase confidence in your brand is by using testimonials on your About page. Hearing firsthand from other customers that they’ve had a positive experience with your company can go a long way in convincing someone who’s on the fence.

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The Don’ts of About Page Copywriting

So we’ve looked at the things you should be doing on your about page. Now it’s time to consider a few things you should avoid doing if you want your about page to be effective.


I can’t stress this enough—avoid being boring at all costs! Boring about pages are a surefire way to make visitors click away from your website in search of something more interesting.

Don’t Include Too Much Information

Remember, you want to whet your visitors’ appetites, not give them indigestion! Too much information on an about page can be overwhelming and off-putting. Choose only the most essential bits of information to include.

Don’t make it all about you

One of the most common—and harmful—mistakes we see companies make on their About pages is making the page all about themselves. Prospects don’t care about you, your products or your services—at least not at first. They care about themselves and their needs. Your About page should be focused on prospect needs and how you solve them, not on you and your company.

Don’t use jargon

When you’re writing copy for your about page, resist the urge to use jargon or technical terms. Your goal is to communicate clearly and concisely, in language that your target audience will understand. Jargon can be off-putting and may cause potential customers to click away from your page without learning more about your business.

Don’t be afraid to show personality

Your About page is the perfect place to let your brand’s personality shine through. After all, the point of an About page is to give visitors a sense of who you are and what you’re all about. So don’t be afraid to infuse a little bit of your company’s character into the copy.

One easy way to do this is to use first-person pronouns like “I”, “we” and “us.” This immediately gives your About page a friendlier, more approachable tone. And it subtly invites visitors to identify with your brand.

You can also inject some personality into your copy by using colloquial language and contractions like “we’re” and “you’ll.” This helps to create a more conversational tone that will make visitors feel like they’re getting to know you rather than reading a stuffy corporate bio.

Of course, you don’t want to go overboard with the personality — after all, you still want your About page to come across as professional and credible. So strike a balance between showing off your brand’s personality and maintaining a level of sophistication.

Don’t forget the call-to-action

Your About page is not complete without a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is a statement that compels your reader to take some kind of action, and it should be included at the end of your About page.

Your CTA could be something as simple as “Contact us today to learn more!” or “Visit our website to see our work.” Whatever you choose, make sure it’s clear, concise, and easy to follow.

Need help with your about page?

If you are struggling with any aspect of your About page just drop me a line! Whether it’s the design of the page, help writing the copy or adding CTAs and links, I can help you create the perfect About Us page.

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The article About Page Copywriting: The Do’s and Don’ts first appeared on woosimon.com

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